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My heart is yearning for something that it cannot yet have.

Do you remember when we were children and the eagerness we would begin to feel as Christmas began to get closer and closer? As gifts slowly surround the tree and we would stare at them, shake them, hold them or do most anything to subside our deep excitement to open them Christmas Day?

Today, this is how a childlike faith manifested itself within my life. I am eagerly awaiting the gifts that Jesus has shown me but it is not quite yet time to open them. Today it was so difficult to be present in the current blessing that I am living within because I am SO stoked for the gift of the mission trip in the Spring.

Yet isn’t this how it is with gifts? We eagerly await them and love them so dearly until next Christmas rolls around and then all we can focus on is the gifts that are yet to come. Forgetting the gifts that we had just recieved a year prior.

A year and a few weeks ago, I was eagerly awaiting Ozark, so excited to live within the gift that had always seemed so far away. I would have done so much to go to Ozark as early as possible. So for me to be sitting here, avoiding my homework, and watching the Velveteen Rabbit just because the desire to be in South America is so consuming is very foreign to me.

Just as expected, God’s timing has been perfect in this. As I wrapped up my time at Como, spent some time at home, then headed back to Ozark, Jesus has constantly been reminding me the importance of living in the moment that He has me in.

I think of Ecclesiastes 3 where Solomon wrote, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” He then goes on to name a plethora of different seasons. This reminds me that this time at Ozark is critical, a time to learn, a time to grow, a time to be excited, a time to wait…

There is so much importance in the day that we are in and this can be seen in Hebrews 3 where the author consistently talks about encouraging one another TODAY, if you hear God’s voice TODAY, and using TODAY as long as it is called TODAY.

TODAY I am choosing to abide in Jesus and embrace the gift of today. The gift of my gracious professors who teach Scripture with reverence and awe. The gift of my closest friends who spur me on in the Lord. The gift of GOOD cafeteria food. The gift of today!

Thank you Jesus for your grace that has allowed us to experience today. Let us not be too eager for tomorrow that we miss your presence right now.


As of today I am 17% funded!!! Praise Jesus! The remaining balance that I have to raise is $6,635. This can seem daunting but the Lord has provided this far and I know He will continue to do so. If you would like to donate, you can use the following link!



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In Christ, Eutiva

3 responses to “The Beauty of Today”

  1. Amazing. Perplexing. The Ruler favored you with such profundity and I thank you for blessing us with your words.