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Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow! Hi again everyone! 

It has been a HOT second since I last wrote so in an attempt to be more consistent, here I am!


These last couple months of being back at Ozark have been strange. Yet it has been such a beautiful time of seeing the Lord’s goodness day after day. I see the joy of the freshman girls on my floor and I am reminded of how exciting it is to be living in the answered prayer that is held within this season. They remind me to loosen up and have fun. To focus on my studies and try hard to do my best. They are teaching me how to be present in this current stage of life, because it too is a blessing. Each day the Lord grants us is a blessing.

As of today there are about 100 days until I arrive in Georgia to begin training for the time I will be spending in South America. That is so crazy, it is approaching quicker than I ever thought it would. This link is the blog post giving more specific details about my trip.



In the last month, I have gotten the opportunity to meet two ladies who have both done the World Race. They both took me out to coffee and we just talked about the Lord and about the Race. 

When reflecting on these conversations, a verse comes to mind. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

It is mind-blowing to me that the same way I have felt the tug on my heart to spend some time overseas, has been felt by generations before me. The way Jesus has changed my heart and given me new life, is just like the way Jesus has offered redemption to all the generations before ours. 

It is very easy for me to feel intimidated by this trip coming up, lots of doubts, lots of fear, lots of unknowns. Yet I am not alone. So many people have been obedient to the Lord before me, so many people have gone overseas before, so many people have gone with the World Race before. The same feelings I have now, have been felt by so many before me.

Coffee with Alyx and Emily set this into perspective for me. Two women I didn’t know before this last month, felt this way in the days leading up to their trips, in a time where I didn’t even know that the World Race existed- they were already feeling this way. And yet, Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever, even when we are constantly changing and growing.

He is calling all of us to love Him and live for Him today, just like he always has been. How does that look for you?


Fundraising update!

When looking at donations and pledged donations, I am about 40% funded for my trip! Praise God! Thank you for all of the prayers and support that you have offered to me in this season!

Tomorrow I am announcing the start of a new fundraiser on facebook and instagram so be on the lookout for that! Then within the next two-ish weeks I will begin selling handmade bandanas so you should also be awaiting that!!

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In Christ,

Eutiva Dasch

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